Flat earth society world map
Flat earth society world map

"What makes his flat Earth different from other theories is his theory holds that the Earth is imprinted with an 'inverse toroid.'" If you were to take a donut and press it into wet cement and then remove the donut, Bingham explained, the rounded impression it left in the cement would be what is known in mathematics as an inverse toroid.

flat earth society world map

Typical of flat Earths, Ferguson's Earth is a rectangular slab, the four corners of which are each guarded by an angel. "Ferguson was trying to make an updated version of the flat Earth theory to fit the biblical description of the Earth with known facts," Bingham said. Because both models cant be correct, the flat-earth model assumes that globe-earth distance measurements are incorrect. James Bingham, chairman of the museum's board of directors, told us what he knows about it. The other copy is housed in the Pioneer Historical Museum in Hot Springs. So we thought we'd send it to the Library of Congress," Homuth told Life's Little Mysteries. The Application comes with many useful features including: - Moon phases, sun and earth are rendered real time.

flat earth society world map flat earth society world map

I don't want it to fall into the hands of relatives, for God's sake! And I don't particularly want to sell it. Flat Earth is an application that display Sun, moon ,earth and 4 more celestial bodies real time at any date and time as in reality on a flat and simple geocentric presentation. He got the map from his eighth grade history teacher in Fargo, N.D., who got it from his grandfather, who lived in Hot Springs, S.D. It's printed on tissue paper and hand-colored with watercolors," Homuth said.

Flat earth society world map