Age of wonders 3 manual or auto combat
Age of wonders 3 manual or auto combat

age of wonders 3 manual or auto combat

Realm creation settings – player distance (close/standard/far), players (2 to 9), difficulty, and turn system (classic/simultaneous).

age of wonders 3 manual or auto combat

Five difficulties – relaxed, easy, normal, hard, and brutal.Seven default Realms (fields of rebirth/Valley of wonders/idella/the dunelands/the vacant throne/infinite forest/deadlands), custom, and create your own realm.Three game modes – quick start, campaign, and online multiplayer.Lock the camera or enable edge scrolling. The camera has an Invert axis and sensitivity sliders.Can rebind controls for both keyboard and controller buttons.Interface settings – scale slider, safe area ratio, unit outlines, army banners, show Hex info, tooltip delay, controller deadzone, mouse deadzone, Hex grid, movement grid, city labels, province labels, and borders.Mage Haven is a place you live between worlds, as you conquer Realms and take over worlds the rulers (Godirs) will join your Mage Haven.Graphics settings – display mode, monitor, GPU, render scale, v-sync, quality preset, texture quality, anti-aliasing, terrain quality, soil cover quality, shadow quality, SSAO quality, soft particles, reflections, and volumetric lighting.

Age of wonders 3 manual or auto combat